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Old Footage Of Kamala Harris Debating Tulsi Gabbard Resurfaces

Footage of Kamala Harris debating Tulsi Gabbard in a 2019 Democratic presidential debate in Detroit has resurfaced on social media after Gabbard publicly endorsed Harris’ rival Donald Trump.
Gabbard, a National Guard veteran who served two tours of duty in the Middle East before representing Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021, joined Trump on Monday in Detroit at the National Guard Association of the U.S. where she showed her support for his campaign.
Social media users took to X, formerly Twitter, to share the footage from the 2019 debate after Gabbard’s appearance.
One user whose footage of the debate received almost half a million views wrote, “VP Harris ended Tulsi’s career, and now she has been reduced to being Trump’s debate partner. One is on the verge of becoming president, while the other is clinging to relevancy by playing second fiddle to a felon.”
Another user who posted a similar clip that received 588,000 views wrote,”Remember when Kamala Harris DRAGGED Tulsi Gabbard?”
The debate took place when both Harris and Gabbard were campaigning for the Democratic nomination eventually won by Joe Biden. Gabbard criticized the Democratic Party saying that it was “not the party that is of, by and for the people and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in Washington represented by Clinton … and other greedy corporate interests.”
She added that she was running for president to “be the Democratic nominee that rebuilds our Democratic Party, takes it out of their hands, and truly puts it in the hands of the people of this country.”
The videos show the moment Harris was asked to respond, and said, “I think it’s unfortunate we have someone on this stage who is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States who during the Obama administration spent four years full time on Fox News criticizing President Obama.”
Harris added that Gabbard had “buddied up” to Trump ally Steve Bannon to get a meeting with Trump in the Trump Tower, and that she “fails to call a war criminal by what he is – a war criminal.”
Harris concluded, “What we need on the stage, in November, it’s someone who has the ability to win, and by that, we need someone on that stage who has the ability to go toe to toe with Donald Trump and someone who has the ability to rebuild the Obama coalition and bring the party and the nation together.”
Gabbard then launched an attack into Harris’ prosecutorial record.
Gabbard’s official endorsement of Trump is not unexpected. In 2019, she went against the party line by not voting to impeach Trump. She left the Democratic party in 2022 and became an independent. She has since shown her support for a number of Republicans and became a contributor for Fox News.
Gabbard and the Harris campaign have been contacted by Newsweek for comment.
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